Sabtu, 25 April 2015

Science in Cinema: Hulk

Science in Cinema.

Acara PRC Nonton Bareng Film yang Betemakan Sains dan IPTEKS

Waktu: Malam Minggu Pkl: 20:00 WIB sampai selesai

Tempat: Every Where

Kegiatan: Review, Apresiasi, Kritik, Saran dll.

Film ke-11: Hulk

Scientist Brian Banner introduces the idea of creating super soldiers by introducing modified DNA sequences extracted from various animals to strengthen the human cellular response, making them effectively impervious to any weaponized agent, but General Thaddeus Ross denies him permission to use human subjects.

Banner subsequently conducts the experiments on himself. After the birth of his son Bruce, he finds that his son may have inherited the effects and seeks a cure, but is stopped in the process. Bruce remembers nothing of the incident after a traumatic event, and has been raised by the Krenslers.

Years later, Bruce is a geneticist working with his ex-girlfriend Betty Ross, within the Berkeley Biotechnology Institute on nanomed research.

The pair hope to achieve instantenous cell repair by using low level Gamma radiation exposure to activate the nanomeds once they are introduced into a living organism. During routine maintenance of their appropriated Gammaspectrometer, a circuit shorts and triggers the experiment's program sequence. Unable to prevent the machine from firing, Bruce throws himself in front of his colleague to shield him and is exposed to incredibly toxic levels of Gamma.

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